10 foodie trends worth trying
Clean, healthy foods are hot, trend watchers say, and that is likely to continue. It’s about anything local, foraged, fresh and handmade.
We’re delighted to report that this means our Creamers potatoes are in—but we already knew that!
Here are 10 food trends to get behind:
Little Potatoes deliver BIG on nutrition! Packed full of vitamins and minerals, Little Potatoes are a perfect part of your family’s healthy, balanced diet.
Pair with: Anything, really. Little Potatoes are super versatile.
This peppery, antioxidant-filled, orange-flesh root from the ginger family is best in either sweet or savory dishes. This is part of the “functional foods” movement, in which foods are purported to have health benefits, along with nutritional value: apple cider vinegar and kefir are also on the hot list.
Use in: Slow Cooker Curry Whole Chicken with Creamer Potatoes
Brussels sprouts
Especially delicious roasted with a little salt, pepper and olive oil, Brussels sprouts are filled with vitamin C and K. Just don’t overcook, or they can become bitter and give off an unpleasant odor. Though they were trendy last year, they’re still the latest comfort food of choice, starring on most fall menus.
Use in: Roasted Creamer Potato Medley
Sour is in, and the tangy bite of yogurt adds a protein boost to most creamy dishes, without the heaviness of sour cream. Find a nice thick ‘n creamy Greek-style plain yogurt and combine it with beets, carrots, Creamers or squash.
Use in: Mini Spinach & Artichoke Stuffed Potatoes
Stylish steaming
Used to be that steaming was boring and kinda tame. No more. Using hot water vapors is now trendy! It is surprisingly quick and protects both the flavor and texture of the ingredients. It is one of the best cooking methods for maximizing taste and color while retaining the most nutrients in vegetables.
Use in: Steamed Little Potatoes
Everyone wants to eat a steaming bowl of ramen nowadays, and up-and-coming chefs are introducing exciting fusion twists on the Asian original. What’s not to love about a healthy, meal-in-one packed with ying-yang flavor opposites? Perfect for a chilly autumn evening. Try using rice ramen for a gluten-free twist.
Try in: Easy Vegan Shoyu Ramen with Potatoes
Pronounced “POH-kay,” Hawaii’s take on ceviche is everywhere you look. Especially hot are poke bowls, seasoned raw fish on top of quinoa, sushi rice or zucchini noodles, plus tasty nuggets of seasonal veggies artfully arranged. Hawaiians have been eating poke for centuries, and now mainlanders have finally caught on.
Pair with: Crispy Potatoes with Garlic Lemon Avocado
Pickled anything
Folks have been fermenting foods to preserve them for centuries. And, pickled foods, along with the lines of sauerkraut and pickled cucumbers, are tasty. Fermentation also leads to friendly bacteria (probiotics) that may aid digestion. Especially delish and en vogue are pickled radish and mangoes.
Use in: Vegan Rainbow Potato Salad
Some may call it stinky cheese, but others call it heaven. Raclette pronounced “rah-klett,” is the Swiss/French cow’s milk cheese traditionally melted tableside and poured over boiled or roasted potatoes, served with assorted pickled goodies. It’s the national dish in Switzerland, where they have special table grills to melt the cheese and scrape it off. Not surprisingly, New York City restaurateurs have elevated the method to a new culinary level.
Pair with: Roasted Dijon Potatoes
Zero-waste meals
Both at home and in restaurants, it’s about using every scrap, peel, and trimming. Our Little Potatoes are an excellent example of zero-waste because there is no peeling required! Try eating broccoli stems, and utilizing beef and chicken bones, instead of tossing. Make your leftovers work for you and jump on this bandwagon.
Use leftovers in Smoky Southwestern Potato and Corn Chowder
To get more tips on nutritious eating, plus find new delicious and healthy recipes, sign up for our monthly newsletter. And join the social media conversation! If you have questions, comments or quips, don’t hesitate to get in touch: info@littlepotatoes.com.
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