How do Creamers get their color?

Creamer potatoes come in an assortment of colors including yellow, red, blue and purple.
Sometimes the skin and flesh of the potato are the same color, and other times they contrast. Something Blue, for example, has bright blue/purple skin on the outside and yellow flesh with purple streaks on the inside.
But how do Creamers get their color?
The coloring actually depends on the genetics of the variety. In other words, an individual potato’s “DNA” determines its color.
Out in the field, we also find that soil can impact color. For example, when we grow red Creamer varieties in soils with higher clay content, the skin comes out brighter and darker. We see this influence mostly with red potatoes, but it can happen with other colored varieties as well.
Heat, sunlight and temperatures during the growing season affect the skin color, too.
A lot of photosynthesis, or sunlight interception, helps the Creamer grow to full maturity and helps them taste great also. Creamer potatoes are a temperate crop, meaning they love warm days and cool nights. This definitely affects where we choose to grow our Creamers. We look for ideal farming conditions so we can grow top quality Creamers with rich deep colors.
Read more about our Creamers here.
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